Happy Blooming Luxury Bath Melt: £3.85 from Lush |
Now, I must admit that bath melts aren't my favourite Lush products - I much prefer the bubble bars or bath bombs that produce bubbles or fizz around the bath, but I just had to pick up this one. It smells delicious! Like marzipan and cherry bakewells. Yummeh!
I quite liked that it is divided into 3 sections - so you can just snap off however many sections you want to use and pop them in the bath. As you can see, I used one, but I didn't find the scent strong enough for my liking, but I do like really strong scents in the bath, so that might just be me! I think I'll use two next time though.
If you're a big fan of bath melts and like sweet, marzipan smells, then I would recommend this. At £3.85 though it works out a bit pricey if you use more than one section per bath.
Have you tried this? What is your favourite Lush bath product?